Moved to new Church

Messiah Community Church has now become one with Fairfield Church (formerly known as Fairfield Church of God).  We meet Sunday's at 10:30 AM and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.  All of our teachings and services can be found on YouTube at Fairfield.Church Live Fairfield.Church on YouTube and Teach The Word TeachTheWord on YouTube.  Our Wednesday lessons have moved to Thursdays.  All of our older teachings can still be found on YouTube at Teach The Word.  Thank you for the many years of dedication following the workings of Messiah Community.

The Cross


The only hope for a life well lived is found in having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. That relationship begins at the cross.  All your sins, failings, curses and weaknesses as a human being were nailed to a cross 2000+ years ago in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.  All it takes for life to change is to accept for yourself God's total and complete forgiveness through the person Christ Jesus.  He was historically real.  The accounts of Him are not stories or fables but real history.  His disciples died to defend those accounts of His amazing grace poured out on mankind through the cross.  Join Him by accepting Him as your source of salvation.  



Sunday Morning Live

My Unrighteousness Exchanged For Christ Righteousness

Many people struggle with the "sins" of their past.  They are haunted with a sense that they are not worthy of complete, total and final forgiveness.  After all, our society and religions demand a judgement and punishment for sins committed.  Even the ones nobody realizes we have committed.  The problem is that even though nobody else knows.....we know.  So it becomes very easy when things don't go our way or bad events happen in our lives to tell ourselves that somehow we ultimately deserved it anyway.  If God is merciful then He also has to be righteous!! Right!?!?

This is code for, "you deserve punishment."  But what if in the realm of righteousness, true righteousness, there would be no penalty for sins committed?  What if you could stand before the Almighty God of the universe completely and totally in right standing, guilty of nothing at all.??  Would you accept that outcome?  Could you find it in your heart to receive in the inner most chambers of your heart and mind complete exoneration for all the known and unknown errors of your life?  Sadly many do not know that this option exist so they make no attempt to receive it.  If they believe there is an ultimate God out there somewhere who will ultimately judge men according to their deeds, they most often believe there isn't a thing they can do about their own end result.  If they don't believe there is a God at all then they simply live life ignorant of the blessing of true unbridled freedom from conscience. 

The option does exist and it is a person not an action that opens a human life to live totally free from guilt, shame and any fear of eternal judgement.  That person is Jesus the Christ.  He is the Son of The Living God who stood before His Father and declared by royal decree that all of mankind, regardless of culture, upbringing, social economic status, severity of sins committed or good deeds done, were declared in right standing.  Not by works of right standing that any could or would do.  Not at the cost of an accounting sheet that kept track of our good and bad deeds.  He declared us all not guilty and in right standing because of His satisfaction of the requirements of holiness and righteousness.  By taking all our efforts on Himself to become righteous, He once and for all accomplished what man could not.  He satisfied the demands of the universe for judgement.  

But what do I have to do??  Glad you ask!  All you have to do is accept that for yourself.  Claim His righteousness for yourself.  Make the decision in your mind and heart to believe the story.  Accept that this person who lived in the flesh 2000+ years ago had you in mind when He accepted the death on the cross as payment for sin, unrighteousness, human error, iniquity, bad judgement, and any other thing that condemns the heart of a man.  He took upon Himself any future punishment for things done wrong in the human condition.  "It is finished", were His final words.  He didn't mean it was over He meant it was just beginning.  Your life lived in right standing.  It is a beautiful thing to experience and live. Change your mind today.  Accept the gift of eternal right standing and begin to truly live.