
You Must Be Born Again

You Must Be Born Again

You Must Be Born Again

In this message Pastor Wayne lays out the number one thing that must happen in a persons life for them to gain heaven as a home and live out the life God has planned for them. There is no way around being born again if you have a desire to have the things God has promised.  The only thing is, it never stops.  You are born daily into a new life in Christ.  Get hold of this truth that will set you free.

The Tenth Part

The Tenth Part

The Tenth Part

God did intend for His created person to be exceedingly blessed.  The church can impact the world with so much good if the members of the body would understand God's plan for financial prosperity.  Tithing is not a seven letter word to be used as a threat against the people of God.  Instead, as Pastor Wayne declares in this message, it is an amazing opportunity for believers to try God in this and see if He will not open the windows of heaven above them. It is for now because God's people should be abundantly blessed.

Great Vision Great Reward

Take your vision to the world
Take your vision to the world

Great Vision Great Reward

God showed Abraham a vision of his future.  Afterward Abraham believed God.  There is a secret hidden in this encounter between God and Abraham that will open revelation for believers to think bigger than they ever thought about their lives.  God is interested in your desire, He placed them in your heart.  Begin to think bigger than you ever had.  A great reward is attached to your faith.